Există cel puțin două tipuri de proiecte specifice centrului:

  • Proiecte colective – realizate de echipe de cercetători şi practicieni. Cele mai recente sunt CoMoRe și ENHATEC.

  • Proiecte individuale – realizate de cercetătorii membri ai CCEA (în această categorie se încadrează proiectele doctorale și post-doctorale, proiectele „Bursele de excelenţă”, precum şi alte proiecte cu un singur cercetător).

Există și proiecte coordonate de alte instituţii la care membrii Centrului participă doar în calitate de experţi sau coordonatori de panel. Acestea intră în categoria proiectelor asociate.

CoMoRe 2021-2022
ENHATEC 2021-2023
Dezbaterile de joi seara
Scopes project

RO: Responsabilitate morală colectivă: de la organizații la sisteme artificiale. O re-evaluare a cadrului aristotelic.
EN: Collective moral responsibility: from organizations to artificial systems. Re-assessing the Aristotelian framework


Who is morally responsible for the decisions taken by highly autonomous artificial systems? Can (robotic) AI systems be morally praise- or blame- worthy? Is the Aristotelian virtue ethics framework adequate to address moral responsibility issues related to AI deployment? These are the main questions that shape the focus of the CoMoRe research project.

This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1765, within PNCDI III.

Biomedical technologies are increasingly used not only to combat disease, but also to improve the capacities of normal and healthy individuals. This practice is commonly described as biomedical enhancement.

Because of this potential to radically improve the human condition, biomedical enhancement technologies have become the focus of one of the liveliest debates in practical ethics, with far reaching implications for public policy.

The exploratory research project ENHATEC aims to develop a pluralist framework of the ethics of bioenhancement technologies.

This project is supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministery of Education and Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0521, within PNCDI III.

Building Bioethics Capacities in Education and Doctoral Training: A Collaborative Network among Moldova, Romania and Switzerland

This collaborative network aims to build bioethics teaching and research capacities particularly in Moldova and also in Romania with the support of its partner in Switzerland. For the three partners, this collaboration stands to provide much needed opportunity to network and exchange bioethics knowledge between Western and Eastern European countries. Each partner brings certain areas of expertise in bioethics that the other will benefit from. In order to ensure that we reach our goal, five specific objectives are delineated for this collaborative network. These objectives will be reached through the design and implementation of six activities as part of the partnership. The funding received from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for this Scopes project is for a duration of 24 months (2015-2017).


1) Networking opportunities for young scholars to establish contacts and long-term partnerships;

2) Modernization and coordination of the basic curricula of theoretical and applied bioethics training at the bachelor’s level for medical students, as well as Master’s and PhD students from other disciplines. This development, modernization and harmonization to the European standards of the Bioethics courses is especially important for the East European partners;

3) Improvement of teaching and training in Medical ethics/Bioethics through cutting edge teaching skills and teaching methodologies in light of the multicultural environment and developing technologies;

4) Transferring current research methodology in empirical bioethics and introducing new approaches by training the next generation of young scholars from the Eastern European regions (support of young scientists, PhD and post-doctoral students); and

5) Improve the research infrastructure of our partners from Eastern Europe in order to continue and expand the teaching and research capacities gained through this collaboration.


Institute for Biomedical Ethics (IBMB), University of Basel Department of Philosophy and Bioethics, “N. Testemitanu” Pharmacy and Medicine University of Chisinau Research Centre in Applied Ethics (CCEA), Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest

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