CCEA The Emergence and Evolution of Social Norms
Research team members

University of Bucharest. Department of Philosophy

204 Splaiul Independentei Sector 6, Bucharest 060024 Phone: +40 21 318 15 56, +40 21 318 29 74 Fax: +40 21 318 52 89

Evolution and The Theory of Games
Evolution and The Theory of Games
Freedom Evolves
Freedom Evolves
Governing the Commons
Governing the Commons
Natural Justice
Natural Justice
The Evolution of Cooperation
The Evolution of Cooperation
The Grammar of Society
The Grammar of Society
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Research team members

Emanuel-Mihail Socaciu, PhD.

Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest. Program coordinator for the Research Center in Applied Ethics, University of Bucharest. Main fields of cognitive interest: political philosophy, applied ethics, epistemology of the social sciences.

Laurentiu Gheorghe

Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest. PhD candidate at the University of Bucharest, submitting a thesis on the emergence of norms in political organizations. Main fields of interest: political philosophy, the philosophy of law, political anthropology. 

Ionut Sterpan

Program coordinator at the Center for Institutional Analysis and Development, Bucharest. Has studied political philosophy at the University of Bucharest, CEU (Budapest) and the University of Maryland (USA). His main interest lies in the study of the institutional systems conducive to freedom, while his favored approaches are economic analysis of law, public choice, Austrian economics and analytic philosophy.

Constantin Vica

PhD candidate at the University of Bucharest, submitting a thesis on the ethics of web medium and technology. M.A. in  political philosophy at the Universite Paris Est. Main fields of interest: computer and information ethics, roboethics, philosophy of technology, intellectual property.

Invited young researchers

Camil Golub, Radu Uszkai (University of Bucharest), Tudor Glodeanu, Horia Terpe, Vlad Tarko (Center for Institutional Analysis and Development – CADI).

Published at 20.11.2010
University of Bucharest. Department of Philosophy
Project financed by CNCSIS, code TE_61, no 22/2010
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