CCEA The Emergence and Evolution of Social Norms
Articles & conference papers

University of Bucharest. Department of Philosophy

204 Splaiul Independentei Sector 6, Bucharest 060024 Phone: +40 21 318 15 56, +40 21 318 29 74 Fax: +40 21 318 52 89

Evolution and The Theory of Games
Evolution and The Theory of Games
Freedom Evolves
Freedom Evolves
Governing the Commons
Governing the Commons
Natural Justice
Natural Justice
The Evolution of Cooperation
The Evolution of Cooperation
The Grammar of Society
The Grammar of Society
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Constantin Vică, “A bizalom és a webes technológia” (“Trustworthiness and the web”) in Korunk, 11 (2010): 35-46 (download here).
Constantin Vică, “Software, instituția autorului și proprietatea intelectuală” (“Software, authorship, and intellectual property”), in Analele Universității București, serial Filosofie, year LIX (2010), forthcoming.
Constantin Vică, “The Digital Pharmakon” in Eurozine, November 2010 (link here).

Conference papers

Emanuel Mihail Socaciu, ”Freedom vs. Imposing. How far do We Legislate?”, at Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics, 3rd edition, București, 29-30 October 2010.
Laurentiu Gheorghe, ”Evoluția regulilor informale în organizații politice” ("The evolution of informal norms in political organizations"), at CADI - Konrad Adenauer Advanced Summer Seminar, Poiana Brașov, 21-26 September 2010.
Ionut Sterpan, ”Cyberspace as State of Nature”, at CADI - Konrad Adenauer Advanced Summer Seminar, Poiana Brașov, 21-26 September 2010.

Working papers
Published at 26.11.2009
University of Bucharest. Department of Philosophy
Project financed by CNCSIS, code TE_61, no 22/2010
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