Emilian Mihailov - Who Laughs Last? Greene vs. Kant

Emilian Mihailov was invited to write a series of articles for the interdisciplinary forum Neuroethics & Law.

In his first post he examines whether or not Immanuel Kant's philosophy is truly just a confabulation, as Joshua Greene seems to suggest. Emilian engages in a very technical debate with Greene clucludin that `Once we make the distinction between application and content of knowledge, we can see more clearly that confabulation data can support an argument that deontology is incorrectly applied in particular cases, not that it is faulty theory in general`.

If you this topic got your attention you can read the whole post by clicking the following link: http://kolber.typepad.com/ethics_law_blog/2016/07/who-laughs-last-greene-vs-kant-mihailov.html